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Mortgage Refinance Calculator

This refinance calculator helps determine if you should refinance or not.

Existing Loan New Loan
Original loan amount
Interest rate (%)
Loan period
How many months have been paid?

I want to know how much I can save on my monthly mortgage payments.

I want to know the total picture of refinancing to make a decision on whether to refinance or not.

By refinancing, your monthly mortgage savings are shown below:

Existing Loan New Loan
Loan Amount
Interest rate (%)
Loan Period
Scheduled Number Of Payments
How many months have been paid?
Monthly Mortgage payment (1) (2)
Monthly Mortgage savings (2) - (1)

Here's the TOTAL picture of refinancing:

Existing Loan New Loan
Loan Amount (1)
Interest rate (%) (2) (3)
Interest rate reduction with new loan (2) - (3)
Loan Period
Scheduled Number Of Payments (4)
How many months have been paid? (5)
Monthly Mortgage payment (6) (7)
Monthly Mortgage savings (8) = (7) - (6) (8)
Current existing loan balance
Total amount to be paid with the existing loan (if no refinance) (9)
Amounts already paid on existing loan (10) ( principal + interest)

Now I need to add the refinance (closing) cost to the picture. There are 2 parts to the refinance (closing) cost:

Part 1: Interest to be paid during the refinance process
Unpaid interest on Existing Loan (1 month)
Prepaid interest on New Loan (1 month)
Part 1 subtotal
Part 2: Refinance processing fees

New loan points and lender costs on new loan *

(Get the number from your lender)

Other refinance costs **
Part 2 subtotal
Total refinance (closing) cost (11)

* The default is 1.25% of the new loan amount

** Appraisal, credit report, tax service, flood certificate, processing fee, title insurance, escrow fee, notary fee, etc.

I want to pay my refinance (closing) cost out of pocket I DON'T want to pay my refinance (closing) cost and want to add it to the New Loan
New loan amount considered (1) (1)
Refinance cost added to new loan (11)
Adjusted new loan amount (1) (1) + (11)
Total amount paid over full term of years (principal + interest) (12) (13)
Refinance cost added out of pocket (11)
Total amount plus closing costs over full term (14) = (12) + (11) (13)
If you don't refinance, the amount left to pay at end of existing loan is (15) = (9) - (10) (15) = (9) - (10)
My monthly mortgage payment will be (7) (8)
By refinancing, I will (15) - (14) (15) - (13)